Algamega® Algae Omega-3 Powder(DHA + EPA)

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Algamega® Algae Omega-3 Powder (DHA + EPA)


AlgaMEGA® is derived from an exclusive strain of microalgae, Schizochytrium sp., which naturally produces high concentration of DHA and EPA in a 2:1 ratio. Cultivated in a controlled environment, this process ensures a cleaner, more sustainable, and concentrated source of omega-3 fatty acids. The solvent-free extraction and innovative Multi-Layer Microencapsulation Technology (PUFA-Sealing) result in highly water-soluble powder, expanding its potential applications.


While fish-derived omega-3 fatty acids originate from algae, marine pollutants can accumulate in these fish. A more direct and sustainable approach is to consume algae-derived omega-3 oil. This vegan-friendly option ensures a pure and allergen-free source of essential nutrients.


  • High concentration algae oil powder with DHA + EPA.
  • Clean and sustainable powder, without fishy smell.
  • Highly water-soluble powder suitable for infant formula, health foods, beverages, etc.


ApplicationHard capsule, Infant formula, FSMPs, General foods, Beverages, etc.
StandardsAlgaMEGA®-M : Total Omega-3 ( >16.5% ), DHA ( >9% ), and EPA ( >4.5% ) | Vegetarian version

AlgaMEGA®-V : Total Omega-3 ( >11% ), DHA ( >6% ), and EPA ( >3% ) | Vegan version

Dosage1 - 2 g/day