AlgaDHA® Vegetarian Algae Powder(DHA >15%)

Brand value is built on extensive scientific research and supporting literatures, sufficient safety data, and reliable quality assurances.

AlgaDHA® Vegetarian Algae Powder(DHA >15%)


AlgaDHA® is originated from Schizochytrium sp., an edible microalgae. It is cultivated in a closed system to ensure high DHA concentration and free from water pollution residue such as heavy metals and plasticizers. AlgaDHA® is further enhanced through a Multi-Layer Microencapsulation process(PUFA-Sealing), resulting in highly water-soluble powder with mild algae taste. It is ideal for use in health foods, infant formula, FSMPs, and other applications.


  • High concentration algae oil powder with DHA.
  • Clean and sustainable powder, without fishy smell.
  • Highly water-soluble powder suitable for infant formula, health foods, beverages, etc.


ApplicationHard capsule, Infant formula, FSMPs, General foods, Beverages, etc.
StandardsDHA >15%(contain milk as its carrier)
Dosage1 - 2 g/day