
創百【強檔新品:覺醒時刻】網路研討會誠摯邀請各位貴賓參加主題:獨醒酵素,晶潤後生元日期:2024 年 10 月 17 日(四)時間:14:00-15:30 p.m.講者:創百技術研發部 🟢經理 張至嘉 博士 &🔵課長 劉韋亭 博士內容:一、CureZyme-ACE 獨醒酵素二、OPTICSOD 視氧元/ 晶潤後生元歡迎報名參加【Marshall 藍芽音響 & 三星藍芽耳機 & 高島紓壓眼罩】精美大禮等您來抽!敬請透過以下連結註冊報名reurl.cc/MjVKWX註冊後您將收到一封確認電子郵件,其中包含本次線上研討會的完整資訊。再次誠摯邀請您的參與,並感謝您惠予協助。⚠️名額有限,為保障既有客戶優先,本公司保留接受報名與否之權利 ... See MoreSee Less
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2024 亞洲最大保健食品展 Vitafoods Asia 圓滿落幕🎉感謝各國合作夥伴與客戶蒞臨指教!本次展會絕佳亮點⭐:✅專利後生元 PostbiotiX® 系列:創百獨創 ProbioAid®專利技術,讓後生元的功效更上一層樓✅倍乘營養科學 Synscience Inside®:以專利後生元組成,針對各種健康問題,提供有倍乘®科學實證的解決方案Chambio Celebrates a Successful Conclusion at Vitafoods Asia 2024! 🎉We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our partners and customers for visiting us and sharing their valuable insights. We look forward to strengthening these relationships and exploring future opportunities for successful collaboration. ⭐ Key Highlights from the Exhibition:✅ PostbiotiX® Patented Postbiotics Series: Powered by our patented ProbioAid® technology, this innovative product line enhances the potency of probiotics, promoting overall health!✅ Synscience Inside® Series: A synergistic formula featuring PostbiotiX®, supported by extensive evidence, ensuring that the benefits of health products are more than just theoretical. ... See MoreSee Less
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🌕🌟【中秋慶團圓,共躍好前程】🌟🌕敬祝親愛的創百夥伴🌝中秋愉快、諸事圓滿🎆創百將繼續秉持初心與熱誠,全力支持您💪打造更具科學證據、市場競爭力的保健新品🏆如同強而有力的鯨魚🐳,與您衝破天際、共躍美好前程 ... See MoreSee Less
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🥳 Vitafoods Asia (曼谷) 2024 即將到來!🎉創百將在今年 VFA隆重推出全新研發的 PostbiotiX®專利後生元系列產品,提供順暢力、保護力、美妍力、關鍵力等,全方位的健康解決方案。透過創百 SynScience®獨家倍乘®配方研究,將帶您見證 PostbiotiX®協同其他好料的驚人加乘綜效。誠摯邀請舊雨新知親臨現場,關注我們的最新成果,期待與您相見!點擊下方鏈接註冊並獲取入場資格:lnkd.in/edkvwg8J🥳 Vitafoods Asia 2024 (Bangkok) is just around the corner! 🎉 This year, we're excited to unveil our latest advancement: PostbiotiX®, a proprietary and patented postbiotics series that offers a comprehensive, head-to-toe health solution.Additionally, through our exclusive and proven SynScience® formula, you'll experience the incredible synergy of PostbiotiX® combined with other high-quality ingredients.We sincerely invite you to visit us and learn more about our exciting developments. Click the link below to register and gain entry qualification.lnkd.in/edkvwg8JLooking forward to seeing you! ... See MoreSee Less
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2024 亞洲生技大展 BIO Asia-Taiwan 完美落幕囉!🎉🥳Thank you very much for visiting us at the BIO Asia-Taiwan 2024!即便颱風來攪局,颳風大雨依舊難擋大家的熱情🔥特別感謝所有國際合作夥伴和貴賓,無懼風雨,親臨現場與我們熱情交流,創百感受到滿滿的支持和鼓勵,也感謝每一位朋友的寶貴建議🙏我們將持續秉持專業創新的精神,提供更優質的產品與服務💪成為您事業路上的最佳夥伴,共同攜手創造更多佳績🌟再次感謝大家的支持與蒞臨,我們明年見!💖 ... See MoreSee Less
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